Vrijwilligers kinderdagverblijf

We welcome a few adults with a limitation that team up with us: an added value for all parties!

Without enthusiastic volunteers Villa Clementina would cease to exist. It’s that simple.

We already can count on a fantastic team of people that help us with our administration, the preparation of the daily fresh meals and creative activities. But additional helping hands are always welcome. Also, for the maintenance of the villa and the garden, and the expansion of our petting zoo, we are still on the lookout for handy Harry’s or Henrietta’s.

Time and enthusiasm? Little time but loads of enthusiasm? We will always find a task that suits you. So, don’t hesitate, just do it. Join us and put your shoulder behind this unique project. 

Please e-mail to vrijwilligers@villaclementina.be and our volunteer coordinator Julia De Keyser will look the possibilities together with you.

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